Dokument o Fukušime od Leny Hashimoto.

Život Leny Hashimoto bol konfrontovaný s problematikou jadrových elektrární od jej narodenia. Narodila sa v roku 1986, 4 dni po černobyľskej katastrofe. V detstve mala možnosť stretnúť sa s Černobyľskými deťmi odoslaných do Japonska pre revitalizačné pobyty, kde jej matka pracovala. V marci 2011, keď v dôsledku cunami nastala jadrová katastrof Fukushima Daiichi, Lena bola na slovenskú, ale intenzívne prežíva strach a obavy z možnej obrovské katastrofy. Po dlhú dobu jej bolo cítiť nutkanie vyjadriť svoje pocity na túto tému prostredníctvom dokumentárneho filmu. Vo filme využila spojenie oboch týchto krajín a zaujímavé vzťah Slovenska a Japonska.

A documentary on Fukushima by Lena Hashimoto.

The life of Lena Hashimoto has been confronted with the issues of nuclear power plants since her birth. She was born in 1986, 4 days after the Chernobyl disaster. In her childhood she had an opportunity to meet Chernobyl’s children sent to Japan for the revitalizing stays, where her mother had worked. In March 2011, when due to tsunami the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster occured, Lena had been in Slovakia, but intensively experiencing the fear and concerns of possible huge disaster. For a long time she has been feeling the urge to express her feelings on this topic through the documentary film. In her film she would like to use the connection of these associations and interesting relation of Slovakia and Japan.